












我想到了Tang Yuji (译者:Tangyujie?)。他在教育中有成就伟大事业的能力,但问题是,在这样一个有人威胁老师,有人逃避对话的组织中,有他的位置吗?










I think he kicked the wrong dog.  
   I assume that by now the person who made the decision to effectively close HFLS as it is, is in a living hell.  I will be generous with my judgment of him and assume that he had no idea what Hangwai(杭外) really was when he decided to mark it unnecessary as an example of how to lower everyone’s expectations to his own ability to produce or as a as a business deal or whatever the real reason was.  

I am also positive that he did not know what he would be up against.
HFLS is more than just a collection of individuals that can be shifted about, sold, reassigned, intimidated, ignored and dismissed.  The true Hangwai(杭外) lives in its tradition.  Those who defend this place don't do it just to protect an advantaged job or beautiful school or merely for their children's test grades.  They defend it because they believe in what it has to offer to everyone.   There is a passion for that place that cannot come from greed. If one really wants to improve education they will listen to those who defend HFLS.  They have important thoughts.  They defend the philosophy and the ability to implement it as well as the school itself.
The real cost of the decision is the loss of trust in the education bureau for all involved.  The past students, the future students, the teachers, and yes all of us around the world who know this place will forever wonder about a system that would let someone destroy what works so well.
I think of Tang Yuji.  He could do great things in education but is there a place for him in an organization with the kind of people who threaten teachers and hide from dialogue?  
When I looked at my classes while teaching there it gave me hope for the future.  They are gifted students and admirable people and have earned the status of heroes in my eyes.  They incite each other to be their best.  They bring each other up in ways that only they can do.  Giving them the opportunity to thrive together in this way is an important part of the Chinese educational system.  I marvel at the way that they admire their teachers, those amazing teachers that can carry the dignity of a university into a classroom of junior ones to senior threes.  This combination of educational philosophy and talent has evolved into something that is much greater than the sum of its parts.  
This greatness has developed over many years and is a part of everyone there.  HFLS is a gem of education that goes beyond preparing students to be classified by a test.  Education should be much more than organizing people into different levels of learning ability.  Anyone can produce test monkeys, but it takes a real school to leave the students curious and teaching themselves from their own interest.  People the world over dream of having a school like this. China has something special in this school. To have it reduced as a political move by a hollow disconnected guanxi (关系)emperor that will not admit to a mistake would be a tragedy.  If you take away respect and the confidence to dialog what you have left is tyranny.  Friends and alumni of HFLS all over the world are watching these developments, in spite of the local press censorship.
   I don't defend HFLS to keep a place that most kids in China will never dream of attending.  I defend it as a place that encourages and teaches people to live up to their true potential and in turn make it possible for more students to share in their dream and as a result improve China for everyone and help show the world that the central kingdom is capable of more than just cheap goods and constant and empty changes made by men who create foolish disruptions to establish themselves as effective.
I do think the teacher's university(教育学院) deserves improvement too.  I think there is enough money in the Chinese treasury to fund a good school for teachers and HFLS quality schools all over China.  A fraction of the extra money that is loaned to America would accomplish this.  


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